A few decades or even years ago it would have sound really naïve to think that the circulation of newspapers would disappear in the future, that no one would look for print papers any longer to read them and immerse themselves into those stories. The way that we see and receive news has drastically changed since the boom of the internet. Now you can have access to tons of information to a point where there’s an overload of it. Now you have many different sources and newspapers are doing anything that they can stay alive. People access the news on their personal computers or their phones but one medium that is really changing the shape of all of these is the social media networks.
Now you don’t have to go looking for the news if they are relevant to you can either receive a feed of certain news deliver to you from different sources; on the other hand you can get everyone to share them with you trough the social media. The article The Future of News the “Me” in the “Media” gives an interesting point of view of how the social media is shaping the news. Now we get everyone to be more involved and active participant on the things that are affecting our lives. We can only notice how we are involved in protesting in a new way…just take a look at the amount of groups that are formed daily on Face-Book.
Now the trend is to go and follow bloggers because with all the technological changes we get the news in a faster way leaving time to get involved in what we really want, the opinion section. Bloggers play a big role in this transformation of news because they encourage the discussion on the different topics. By planting their opinions and their point of view on a certain topic they can give shape to more complex issues or simply can plant an idea in or head. We can have all the arguing sides of a story in different blogs but at the end the key is to still think and analyze the issues ourselves and not let other think for us.
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