The news are a powerful tool that affect the lives of millions of people almost everyone is affected by them somehow. We all have a right to be informed of what is going on in our world but what happens when the journalist cross the borders of privacy to report on sensationalist issues that harm some people and have little of public service? That’s an issue we see in news everyday how sometimes we are putting a lot of emphasis on issues that don’t really have an impact on society they are just “gossip”.
The truth is that these issues really sell numbers and increase ratings that are one of the reasons they are always in the news rooms. The exercises that we did in our class of Thuesday were really interesting because they gave me the opportunity to thing about how a decision to report can have an impact in so many lives. It gave a me a perspective of how to approach things in certain situations.
But moving away from the safety and privacy issues we go to the independence issues. As we discussed in class sometimes the government tries to impede a story to be run this was the case of the pentagon papers, but when it comes to the safety of others or to ensure the success of a military operation they do have the right to stop this information from going to the public at the end the public will receive the benefit from not knowing certain things until it is prudent. The problem I see is when the independence of reporters is affected by advertising. In the article The Online Threat to Independent Journalism, this issue is approached. I quote “Yet there is new evidence that the very qualities that make online publishing so intriguing to journalists are spawning subtle new approaches to advertising that may threaten the fragile journalistic tradition of independence from advertiser influence” I will leave the judgment to anyone who reads this blog because at the end each of us should create our own opinion.